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    • Bronze with make up
    • 20 x 30 x 60 cm

    Works shaded by the act of makeup. First appear in the work ‘’Lábios’’, and reappear frequently not only with pasta makeup but also with gelatin, chalk and ceramic glaze. It is common to some work, to be make up during the performance. The make up, in addition to praise the surface, marks in part the installation and sculpture to witness a performance.

    As with the sedative painting, the conformity in Lábios results from the line created between two bodies; these are here a goblet and a bottle. These bodies and their common contour were first introduced in a drawing printed as the invitation for the Whitechapel exhibition. Lábios is a series of sculptures made in terracotta and cast in bronze. After being cast they are covered with skin-tone and red colored make-up. The work indicates a primal stage of the sculpture where there are still no leftovers. They are amalgamated or extruded volumes. The extruded protrusions become lips that will be colored with the fingers. The word ‘make-up’ may have the meaning of a trick, or deceit. By having make-up applied to it, this awkward creation imitates its original terracotta state by falsifying the bronze into human flesh; interestingly,  terracotta is the base material of the make-up. So, we may say that the make-up is applied to the bronze so that it is incarnated. It reincarnates itself when the make-up refers to the terracotta, its former flesh. Once again, the timeline of action works – as in São João Batista – as a stamp compressed into a single moment.

    Bottle and goblet meet in several works and at this point they begin to join other shapes that are also linked by the contour of the form, such as a bell, cauldron, funnel and eyedropper. Besides the outline, the shapes share verbs that are conjugated in parity, such as to fill, to empty, to contain, to spill, to drip, to sound and to save. Tunga has many times used fabrics, ointments, filings, and indeed glass itself, as links between these shapes, making use of the liquid properties of the encounter between two bodies. In the case of Lábios, the conjunctive expels in a way similar to a pastry shell.

    • Bronze with make up
    • 20 x 30 x 60 cm
    Image author not available, 1989-1994
    • Bronze with make up
    • 20 x 30 x 60 cm
    Image author not available, 1989-1994
    • Bronze with make up
    • 20 x 30 x 60 cm
    Image author not available, 1989-1994
    • Bronze with make up
    • 20 x 30 x 60 cm
    Image author not available, 1989-1994