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    Delivered In Voices

    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions

    The work, Delivered in Voices, is made with several elements, open to the performative interaction.

    Three iron structures, called tripod, permeats a fourth one. For each one of this three structures, there is a different artifact as protagonist.

    A meteor, a quartz and a Sansevieria trifasciata.

    For each tripod,  there are speakers facing toward the different protagonists.

    For the Sansevieria Trifasciata, It is heard a session of exorcism. For the meteor, Dylan Thomas declaims his poems. For the quartz, the wolves howling audio.

    Finally, the central tripod, that is made with a ceramic bell. Inside the bell there are three microphones, each one of them sends the voice of the performer to the tripods at the same time.

    The pictures of this post were taken between 11|30 to 12|09|2015, during the Novas Frequências Festival. On this days a few artists were invited to interact with the work.

    The list is diverse:

    .Luísa Nobrega & Barrão

    .Ava Rocha & Eduardo Manso



    .Lilian Zaremba & Fred Paredes

    .Lucas Santtana


    .Thingamajicks & Marcelo Mudou


    .Felicia Atkinson

    Delivered In Voices
    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions
    Coletivo CLAP, 2015
    Laboratório Agnut
    Delivered In Voices
    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions
    Coletivo CLAP, 2015
    Laboratório Agnut
    Delivered In Voices
    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions
    Coletivo CLAP, 2015
    Laboratório Agnut
    Delivered In Voices
    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions
    Coletivo CLAP, 2015
    Laboratório Agnut
    Delivered In Voices
    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions
    Coletivo CLAP, 2015
    Laboratório Agnut
    Delivered In Voices
    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions
    Coletivo CLAP, 2015
    Laboratório Agnut
    Delivered In Voices
    • Sound equipment, iron, meteorite, ceramic, mirror, magnifying glass and quartz crystal
    • Variable dimensions
    Coletivo CLAP, 2015
    Laboratório Agnut